DCUO Source Podcast Episode 28: Secret PVP Love Letter
In this episode, we discuss the outrageous High CR needed for PUGs, Game Update 12 and PVP stuff from the Producer's Letter.
Daily Planet News
- PC/PS3 Forum News
- High CR for PUGs Discussion
- April Producer's Letter
Recently, in the Halls of Justice
- Game Update 12
Movie News
- The Avengers are coming next week
SuperPatriot's Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheDaddysHouse
SuperPatriot's Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/TheDaddysHouse/249202158511328
Trexus' Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/Trexlight
Trexus' Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Trexlight-Productions/143147585746506
The MP3 File (right click and "Save Link As"... or "Save Target As...")
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the reason why you got a higher CR than SP is because SP take a lot more time and nice timing of feats. I mean the grinding of challenge modes, duos, toy man mission, etc. really takes time.