Friday, June 3, 2011

DCUO Source site and Podcast

Hello all, in case you don't know (or possibly never cared, whichever comes first) is down for the time being. Something happened o the server side and the guys in the background are working on it but no time frame as of yet. I'll try and keep you posted as much as I can. Now let's hear some good news. Myself along with my cohost tc89 have just recorded our first podcast for We have never worked on a podcast before so a lot of this is a work in progress but in time, we hope to have a solid show for you all. I'm busy doing some rendering now so it might sound a bit off, but thats because we are still working on the programs recording at the right pitch. We also did this over Ventrillo which we decided to test and according to how the recording went, Skype might be in our future lol.

I will try and have the RSS feed for it later today. I'll keep you all posted.


  1. Yikes, I didn't know the audio was that bad. Hows it coming along?

  2. Well its not all bad, you were sometimes either too soft and because of vent cutting you in and out i had to delete a bunch of dead air so the show was actually only 45 minutes lol. I should be getting it up in an hour or so.

  3. Editing is done, sadly the site I use for uploading mp3's can't except the file size. Gonna contact some buddies and see if they now anywhere thats of course, for free.

  4. any word on when the source is coming back up?

  5. I wish I did, I can't seem to get a hold of any of the admins. I E-mailed them today. Ill post on here if I get any info.

  6. yeah, the facebook page is gone too, it's almost as if Methos said F it.

  7. Thats what i'm afraid of Robert.
