Monday, June 6, 2011

DCUO Source Update and Podcast news too

I wish I had any good news for everyone but sadly I do not. Myself and my Podcast partner TC89 have been trying to contact the Admins to see about an update on whats going on. We have not heard back yet but we are staying positive. If we find any new information you can rest assured i will be post it and I will also make a post on the dcuo official Sony forums in the PC Forums (I'll try and get to the PS3 forums too because I'm nice).

Now on to Podcast News. Episode 0 (yes, thats what we are calling it cause we like it) is done editing. I'm still looking for a storage site and luckily a nice person offered to lend us some of his available space but I'm discussing and hopefully we can come up to an agreement but nothing is set in stone yet. With DCUO Source being down, I've worked a little too hard on the podcast and I am going to make sure it stays going with our without the website. I'm not mad or anything I'm just wanting to continue to bring a solid DCUO Podcast to the table. I'll be talking with TC89 and seeing what we should do but I'll have the first episode up as soon as I can.

Now let me troll some sites and see what new information has come our way about DC Universe Online.


  1. There's currently 2 speculations going on about DCUOSource: 1. Its down due to not paying the bills. 2. Its down because the DCUO staff that worked with it are no longer employed by Sony and pretty much have no interest in keeping it going. Whether either is true, the length of silence on the site's condition is not in a good place atm.

  2. no one that worked on the source was an employee of sony.

  3. Robert is correct. I helped with the Source wiki page and my only "duty" while part of was helping make the Podcast. Durraken, Elwood and Methos are who I have talked to and they were not SONY employees.

  4. what have they said?

    I was a Mod, and actually wanted to get a few things off the forums but now I'm unable :( /sigh.

  5. Sadly we still haven't heard anything from anyone. I know Tc89 and myself are checking our emails constantly hoping to hear something.
