Sunday, October 30, 2011

DCUO Source Podcast Episode 16: F2P-tacular

DCUO Source Podcast Episode 16: F2P-tacular

In this episode, we give our thoughts on Update 5.1, the not so tacular Spooktacular and all things Free to Play.

Daily Planet News
- PC/PS3 Forum posts that caught our eyes.
- New York Comic Con Recap
- Free to Play Webcast Thoughts

Recently, in the Halls of Justice
- Update 5.1 Impressions

Daddy's Corner
- Coming back next week

Comic News and Information
- Plug!! Evil Ink Comics new comic book called "The Key of Z" created by Coheed and Cambria frontman Claudio Sanchez. PICK IT UP!

Check out SuperPatriot's youtube channel at

The MP3 File (right click and "Save Link As"... or "Save Target As...")
iTunes Subscription

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Spooktacular - Halloween Event

Everyone has been wondering about the Halloween Event and it is finally not so scary form. Spooktacular is a Scarecrow Event that you can queue in by selecting your On Duty tab and selecting Events.In this event, you will be fighting Scarecrow just like in his Gotham Sewer lair (I'm sure everyone has done it by now so you know the fight). There nothing new, he is revamped for this level 30 content but is still easy. The items he drops are not finalized yet, he seem to drop the Scarecrow's Hat with level 30 stats. He also drops 4 different Spooktacular Tricks or Treats that will be listed later. Besides getting the candies, he also gives 2 Spooky Tokens used to purchase items and styles from the vending machine. Now lets go over the good stuff, the Feats.

Eat, Drink and be Scary - 25 Feat Points
Complete all of the Spooktacular feats

Candy Candy Candy Candy - 10 Feat Points
Consume 25 Spooktacular Tricks or Treats

While you are doing the Spooktacular Event, Duos, Alerts and Challenges, these candies will drop and you just have to eat 25 of them to get the feat, easy.

Costume Party - 10 Feat Points
Collect all the styles from Skeets' Boo-tique

The Skeets' Boo-tique is a vending machine located in the Event's main room after defeating Scarecrow and located in GCPD 9th Precinct. There are only 3 styles to choose from, Head, Chest and Legs. Below are what they are:
Stitched-Together Jute Pants
Style: Jute

Costs 3x Spooky Token

Pumpkin Head
Style: Pumpkin Head

Costs 4x Spooky Tokens

Stitched-Together Jute Shirt
Style: Jute

Costs 3x Spooky Token

I Must Not Fear - 10 Feat Points
Complete the Scarecrow Spooktacular Event 5 times

So you are looking at doing this event for 5 days to get the feat. Doing so will also give you a total of 10 Spooky Tokens to be used to purchase all 3 styles.

Trick or Treat, Smell My Feat
Consume all of the different Spooktacular Tricks or Treats
[ ] Trick: Stink Bomb
[ ] Trick: Boo-Urns
[ ] Trick: Chill Out
[ ] Trick: Zzzap!
[ ] Trick: Psych!
[ ] Treat: Notafinger
[ ] Treat: Candy Corn
[ ] Treat: Power Patch Brats
[ ] Treat: Snackers Candy Bar
[ ] Treat: STAR Blast Chews

These are the candies that drop from the Event, Duos, Alerts and Challenges. I haven't found if there is an exact place for them to drop but if I find it out I will certainly post it. I hope you all enjoy the event and happy hunting.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Transformers Universe Preview

Transformers Universe is being made by Jagex and Hasbro. Jagex is known for its highly successful and very popular game, Runescape. They are now bringing the Browser Based MMO genre to the Transformers Universe. Here at the New York Comic Con, there booth gave access to the fans in attending to create their own Autobot or Decepticon, save it, and then take a picture and have it printed it out with your Bot  in the top left hand corner and you, in the bottom right. In the bottom left on the photo is a code in which you go to their website and you can download a picture of your Bot and show it off to the social media world. They practically reserved your character for you, when the game comes out sometime next year. The Classes have not been announced or even finalized for that matter. In partnership with, they are holding a poll that you can Vote for the Class names or even suggest your own name. They give us a look at the 3 types of combat for your Bot, Close Combat, Mid-Range Combat, and Long-Range Combat.

The Panel, hosted by, consisted of Garret Fuller, the Moderator, Samantha Hock, Senior Concept Artist, Aaron Archer, VP of IP and Brand Design at Hasbro, and Sean Charles, Senior Marketing Manager. I was able to do an interview with Sean and he was very nice to do it and you can check that out on my youtube channel once I post it later this week.  This MMO will not be set anywhere near the universe that the Movie franchise created, it is more closely involved with the Transformers Prime Universe. The game will start out on Earth but with it being an MMO, there may be plans to expand. The voice actors were not given at that time so we are not sure whether we will hear the voice actors from Prime or there will be new actors doing them. The combat system was not revealed due to it still being in early development. Gameplay also could not be revealed, but a nice example of what NOT to expect if Optimus Prime asking you to go pick flowers. Currency was not explained either. We were told that the game is no way the same as Runescape, it’s a new engine and new staff working on it. The appearances of the robots resemble that of the Transformers Prime animated show. They stayed away from the G1 characters a bit because they wanted to “modernize” the look of the robots, but it was mentioned by Samantha that she did just work on a Flamore design. You know, to make this easier, let’s list everything they couldn’t comment about or didn’t really explain:

Open world PVP? No comment
Vehicle Combat? Haven’t announced anything but the vehicles aren’t just a mount.
Flying Combat? Haven’t announced anything but it’s something they are looking at.
Auction house? It’s a system they are looking at.
Unicron? Can’t go into detail.
Pricing? Nothing has been finalized yet.

Basically, they came to New York Comic Con 2011 to tell you it’s being developed, come to our booth and reserve YOUR character and the name of your character and then take a picture to remember it always. In reality, I would have liked a bit more information about the game then what was given, but it’s still being developed. Jagex played it smart with their booth design and getting the word out as they did. The game has a target release date of sometime in 2012 and Beta will be starting possibly in Early 2012. A new trailer that was shown off at the New York Comic Con 2011 gave us a look at the concept art for the environment and the Bots themselves. Remember, I said it was concept. Expect more info to come closer to 2012.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New York Bound Tomorrow

Hello everyone,

As I'm now packing my clothes and my gear getting ready for my flight tomorrow. I have finalized my Event Planner for the New York Comic Con and I'm going to post it here so in case anyone is at NYCC, you can find me to hang out a bit if I'm not too busy doing any interviews or coverage. Visit New York Comic Con website for more information and guests that will be appearing.


12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
Batman: Arkham Asylum

1:15 pm - 2:15 pm

2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Star Wars: The Old Republic – Main Panel

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
DC Universe Animated Original Movies gives an early look at Batman: Year One, Catwoman & Justice League: Doom

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
DC ALL ACCESS: Green Lantern

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Star Wars: The Old Republic – Q&A Panel with

7:45 pm - 8:45 pm
Jagex - Transformers MMO


10:30 am - 11:30 am
Green Lantern: The Animated Series World Premiere Screening and Conversation with Bruce Timm

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
DC ALL ACCESS: Justice League

1:15 pm - 2:15 pm

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Ghost Rider – Spirit of Vengeance

5:15 pm - 6:15 pm
AMC's The Walking Dead

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
MARVEL STUDIOS: Marvel’s The Avengers


1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Quidditch at NYCC (yeah, that sport from Harry Potter)

I'm also happy to announce I'll be hanging with Phil and RC from the DCUO Show throughout the events so please stop by and say hi to us. We are going to try and have a Meet and Greet and once we finalize a plan of action on that, I'll post it here and you can come chill with us and talk about the con or DCUO game.

Also, big thank you to the amazing Admin over at, ihatemundays for installing a huge Chat Room function to the website. If you aren't able to make it, I will be in the Chat Room typing updates LIVE during the panels I'll be attending. If you want to ask questions or just hangout in the Chat Room, just log in or register if you haven't, and join in on the fun. I'll start being in the Chat Room before 12:00pm on Friday before the first panel. I'm telling ya, I'm pretty excited :)

You can also check out videos I'll be posting over at my youtube channel

Saturday, October 8, 2011

DCUO Source Podcast Episode 15: New York, New York

DCUO Source Podcast Episode 15: New York, New York

In this episode, we go through some Update 5 impressions as well as discuss some things to expect at New York Comic Con, Oct 14-16. Enjoy the Show

Daily Planet News
- PC/PS3 Forum posts that caught our eyes.
- New York Comic Con Information

Recently, in the Halls of Justice
- Update 5 Impressions

Daddy's Corner
- PVP Talk - HIVE moon Base Arena

Comic News and Information
- The New 52, continued Issue 2's

Check out SuperPatriot's youtube channel at

The MP3 File (right click and "Save Link As"... or "Save Target As...")
iTunes Subscription

Saturday, October 1, 2011

DCUO Source Podcast Episode 14: Daddy's Corner

DCUO Source Podcast Episode 14: Daddy's Corner

In this episode, we talk the enjoyments of a slow DCUO week along with a new segment called Daddy's Corner, where we go in depth about PVP strategies. Enjoy the Show

Daily Planet News
- PC/PS3 Forum posts that caught our eyes.
- DCUO Summit #1 Information

Recently, in the Halls of Justice
- Update 5 on the Test Server

Daddy's Corner
- PVP Talk - STAR Labs Arena

Comic News and Information
- The New 52, continued

Check out SuperPatriot's youtube channel at

The MP3 File (right click and "Save Link As"... or "Save Target As...")
iTunes Subscription